
GHEdit is a fast, rich, open source code editor that runs great in web browsers. It's directly integrated with GitHub so you can work on your projects without installing anything.

GHEdit is derived from Microsoft's Visual Studio Code. We developed it to learn about web-based development environments and think it is useful enough to share.


We have not implemented all the major features of Visual Studio Code. These in particular:



Q: Why did you do it?

A: We think Visual Studio Code is a great IDE and that Cloud IDEs have tremendous potential. We decided to see if VSCode could be adapted to run in the Cloud. It can!

Q: How does it work?

A: GHEdit runs entirely in the browser without server-side processing. It is hosted as a static GitHub Page and uses the GitHub API to read/write repositories and files. The only custom "back-end" is a tiny Google Cloud Function to facilitate the GitHub authorization process. User Settings are saved to a GitHub Gist.

Q: What next?

A: We're testing what people think of GHEdit and deciding what to do next. Tell us what YOU think.

Q: Why do I need to give GHEdit GitHub permissions?

A: GHEdit needs permission to operate on your behalf and to not be throttled by GitHub API rate limits.

Q: Go To Symbol, Go To Definition, and IntelliSense don't always seem to work. What's up with that?

A: GHEdit can only perform these operations across open files :(

Q: What's your privacy policy?

A: We don't retain any user information, including GitHub credentials. We use Google Analytics to monitor overall usage.